Today is my baby boys 3rd birthday. Although he's really not a baby anymore, he'll always be my baby boy. It hard to believe that 3 years have gone by. I am so blessed to have him.
He was not part of the plan for the hubby and I, but what an incredible gift he is. He brings so much joy and laughter to our home. I never understood the relationship between a mother and son before he showed up. The ruler loves his sisters so much to the point of annoying them, but if he hurts himself they are right there to make sure he is okay. He loves to read Goodnight Moon, Richard Scarry books and his Elmo books. Dinosaurs and trains rule his world. And even though he loves all the "boy" stuff, you can catch him playing with his sisters babies. He loves to put them to bed, cover them up with blankies and kissing them to sleep. He pushes them around in their pink stroller and then starts the process all over again.

He has filled our life with so much love. I didn't realize I was missing anything in my life until he was born. Thank you for being you. I can't imagine my world without you in it.
Happy Birthday. Mommy loves you!